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    [home] => Array
            [label] => Magento\Framework\Phrase Object
                    [text:Magento\Framework\Phrase:private] => Home
                    [arguments:Magento\Framework\Phrase:private] => Array


            [title] => Magento\Framework\Phrase Object
                    [text:Magento\Framework\Phrase:private] => Go to Home Page
                    [arguments:Magento\Framework\Phrase:private] => Array


            [link] =>
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            [last] => 
            [readonly] => 

    [category51] => Array
            [label] => Coffee Equipment
            [link] =>
            [title] => 
            [first] => 
            [last] => 
            [readonly] => 

    [category53] => Array
            [label] => Espresso Machines
            [link] =>
            [title] => 
            [first] => 
            [last] => 
            [readonly] => 

    [product2286] => Array
            [label] => ECM Mechanika V Slim
            [link] => 
            [title] => 
            [first] => 
            [last] => 1
            [readonly] => 


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Hand-built by ECM, the Mechanika V Slim espresso machine is a compact yet powerful heat exchanger with rotary valves and a sizeable 2.2L steam boiler. It’s perfect for those who demand a lot for their machine and are looking for a tactile daily ritual and mechanical experience that evokes the romantic history of espresso.


ECM Mechanika V Slim

Special Price AED  6,292.00 Regular Price AED  7,150.00

صُنعت آلة الإسبرسو Mechanika V Slim يدويًا بواسطة ECM ، وهي عبارة عن مبادل حراري مدمج ولكنه قوي مع صمامات دوارة ومرجل بخار كبير 2.2 لتر. إنه مثالي لأولئك الذين يطلبون الكثير لآلاتهم ويبحثون عن طقوس يومية ملموسة وتجربة ميكانيكية تستحضر التاريخ الرومانسي للإسبريسو.

All prices are inclusive of 5% VAT
